| Personalized Home Inventory

Project description: is targeted towards movers who are in need of organizing their packed up home. It uses PostgreSQL with Sequelize to store the user's belongings in the database. They are able to name their dashboard and begin creating containers on the dash. The user is then able to begin tracking each item that is placed in the container and will store those items in that container on the database. If a user needs to edit or delete a container or item, they are able to with the edit and delete button. They are also able to drag and drop an item to a different container in case they put it on the wrong box. All of these changes are tracked using the sequelize database.

Number of team members: 3 people

Time Frame: 1 week

My Role:

I was responsible for creating the user registration and login mustache pages. I used sequelize to create a users table that would store the new user's username, password(encrypted with bycrypt), first name, last name and profile picture in the database. The website uses authentication middleware when a user starts their session and it is destroyed when they logout. JQuery is used to toggle the sidebar and load the login modal window. The users can upload a profile picture because of the file upload express package.

Halfway There (Google Cloud Platform)

What is Halfway There?

Meet someone halfway. The user can enter their current address and the address of someone they are meeting (i.e. friend, family member, business colleague). Halfway There uses Google Maps API and geolocating to retrieve the location coordinates of two addresses and finds the center or middle of the two addresses. Location 1 and Location 2 are displayed on Leaflet API map, as well as the calculated midpoint with radius circle. Then the Google Places API is requested to find appropriate locations such as coffee shop, restaurant, bar based on how many miles the user is willing to travel. Each location can be clicked for more details such as star rating, category, address and operation status so user can copy selected location and put it into their google maps app and start their route.

Number of team members: 2 people

Time Frame: 1 week

My Role:

I was responsible for building the layout, responsiveness, styling, implementing the Google Places API by fetching the API, using a callback function with an if/else condition to check if there are locations surrounding the midpoint, and if so, dynamically display those results on the page using a for each loop. Additionally, the results have a 'more information' button that brings up a modal window on click. The Haversine formula is used to compute the distance in miles for the users and a for loop is used to change the business rating into a percentage in order to determine how many of the 5 stars to shade.

City of Refuge (COR) Mentorship Program

Project Description:

City of Refuge is a nonprofit organization that helps individuals and families transition out of crisis. They have started a student mentorship program that pairs mentors with students in Atlanta, GA and needed a functioning MVP website for their program.

Number of team members: 20 people

Time Frame: 8 hours

My Role:

The selected participants were divided into three groups, Frontend, Backend and UX/UI Design. I was placed in the Frontend group. This was my first time attending a Hackathon, and also my first time touching React.js. After we brainstormed ideas of how we wanted the site to look, I was responsible for building the layout and sectioning of the website by writing JSX syntax to create React components and wrote minor sass. We were not able to finish deploying the website during the 8-hour time period, but we want to get together again to finish the website and get it up and running for COR.


(724) 622-8430


6142 38th Ave N
Saint Petersburg, FL
United States of America